need moar
what about YABBA MY ICEING
need moar
what about YABBA MY ICEING
i vote 5
reason:weres flip
and make moar stuff hhahaha
Wait for MMSC5, that'll have flipping.
the best
right i will be doing valve stuff thanks alot new grounds and i already mad gorden freeman and head crab zombie and i love it
you rock
if u didnt take this from krincels u rock
No, I didn't steal this stuff from Krinkels (some other people did lol)
Archon68: Hello. I'm Archon68.
You: hi my name is ...
Archon68: Hi there jakop. ...
You: im not jakop.jakop
Archon68: I am surprised to hear that you are not jakop jakop.
You: thank you for not calling me a jakop
Archon68: You are quite welcome! Your purpose is not calling you a jakop.
You: do you have a xbox?
Archon68: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a xbox.
I have a whole lot of original answers.
You: so
Archon68: Hmm.
You: SO
Archon68: Hmm.
You: so!
Archon68: Are you kidding?
You: £$^& im leaving
Archon68: Do you make a lot of sacrafices for others?
best my first favroite
put your whole hand od camra and move it
lol go to sink type(sink)and you get zaped by toas
up above
Joined on 4/5/11